Thursday, April 27, 2006

Flying saucers and the 95th percentile...

This week, Mose got an excersaucer! He loves it. He LOVES it!!! Mose's papa put it together, because he loves Mose very much. And now, while Mose's mama types in the mornings, Mose plays with balls and mirrors, and OH! What fun...

In other news this week, Mose went to the doctor, for two SHOTS, but Mose was very good, and he only cried for a second.

While at the doctor's office, Mose found out that he's taller than 95% of all the other babies born on his birthday. But only as hefty as 75% of the babies born on his birthday, which is good... since babies these days are tending toward heft. The doctor says Mose is looking GREAT!

95%! That's tall!


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